Represents a color.
Color() | constructor |
getNames() | names getter |
getNumbers() | numbers getter |
cmyk() | provides the CMYK color values |
hex() | provides the HEX color formats |
hsb() | provides the HSB color values |
hsl() | provides the HSL color values |
hsv() | provides the HSV color values |
hwb() | provides the HWB color values |
ncol() | provides the NCol color representation |
rgb() | provides the RGB color values |
toString() | full version string; overrides |
self | () | |
value | (value) | |
names | (names) | (optional) |
numbers | (numbers) | (optional) |
(vimdaloo.color.Color) |
names getter
(table) | the color names, if known |
numbers getter
(table) | the color numbers, if known |
provides the CMYK color values
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) |
(table) | the CMYK color table |
provides the HEX color formats
(table) | the HEX color formats |
provides the HSB color values
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
(table) | the HSB color table |
provides the HSL color values
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
(table) | the HSL color table |
provides the HSV color values
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
(table) | the HSV color table |
provides the HWB color values
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
(table) | the HWB color table |
provides the NCol color representation
self | () |
(string) | the NCol color representation |
provides the RGB color values
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
percent | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
(table) | the RGB color table |
full version string; overrides vimdaloo.lang.Object:toString()
self | () | |
exact | (boolean) | (optional, defaults to false) |
rgb_percent | (boolean) | (optional defaults to false) |
(string) | the string form |